- This sentences has translated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
http://ameblo.jp/kei314/entry-10740502117.html Accelerator and eternal 2ver., a liberal translation Acelerador e 2ver eterno.
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/101510003/entry-10464754258.html Also image song of the accelerator comes out this, kana? “The arc cell ♪” [tsu] [te] saying, the [ru] it is Igualmente a canção da imagem do acelerador sai isto, kana? “O ♪ da pilha do arco” [tsu] [te] dizer, [ru] é
- Mask rider double
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/friedchikin/e/e22548c136cd3949524fcf34c6b07aea The super high-speed portable form which the accelerator becomes deformed in motorcycle type O formulário portátil de alta velocidade super que o acelerador se transforma deformou-se no tipo da motocicleta
- 侍戦隊シンケンジャー、天装戦隊ゴセイジャー、仮面ライダーWネタバレ大量放出
http://ameblo.jp/herozuki/entry-10451314061.html There is no just accelerator and to become deformed to also [te] w, [chi] [ya] [u] or www Não há nenhum acelerador justo e para transformar-se igualmente [te] w deformado, [qui] [ya] [u] ou WWW
Masked Rider Double, Entertainment, Drama,