- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://pokara3104.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-84db.html Also the tortoiseshell cat saw properly! When Aiba… changing clothes in Parker of lovely ♪ pink, the form which becomes frightened to the woman riding, is lovely what it screamed yellow before the ♪ television and the [chi] [ya] was 并且龟甲猫适当地看见了! 当改变的Aiba…在可爱的♪桃红色时Parker穿衣,成为的形式吓唬了对妇女骑马,是可爱的什么它在♪电视之前尖叫了黄色,并且[凯爱] [ya]是
- Me plain gauze & [keitei
http://kotonekoto.blog6.fc2.com/blog-entry-442.html To have uniting the combination which is called to me plain gauze of the tortoiseshell cat [keitei] ♪ me plain gauze & [keitei] of [ameshiyomitsukusu] we would like, 要有团结叫给我龟甲猫的组合[keitei] ♪简单的纱我简单的纱& [keitei] [ameshiyomitsukusu]我们希望,
- Delivery of tortoiseshell cat and others [tsu] [te] (part 1)
http://honyakuturezuregusa.cocolog-nifty.com/nekos/2011/01/1-d629.html Tortoiseshell cat and others [tsu] [te], the delivery day, a liberal translation 龟甲猫和其他[tsu] [te],交货日
- October mountains…, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yamayou11880018/21514583.html The tortoiseshell cat coconut does not return home with nightlife and worries but that… late night it returned, thing… 龟甲猫椰子不返回在家与夜生活并且不担心,但是夜间的那…它返回了,事…
- Changing, “blast 睡”, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yamayou11880018/22139453.html Accompanying the tortoiseshell cat coconut, to the futon… and with the blast 睡 the late riser… 伴随龟甲猫椰子,对蒲团…和于疾风睡晚造反者…
- Ill-tempered [chiyun] it is thick the cherry tree
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/junymi2000/29669861.html With, when tries hearing story, that the cherry tree was called, several years ago the 逝 [tsu] [te] three hair which are put away 与,当听见故事,那的尝试樱桃树叫,被投入的几年前逝[tsu] [te]三头发
- It is cold
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yamayou11880018/17651563.html When it accompanies the tortoiseshell cat coconut and is packed and… (hot time in the habit which escapes immediately, it becomes cold, entering into the [chiyatsukari] futon, the racketeer racketeer saying, the [ru] (=^ ^=)), a liberal translation 当它伴随龟甲猫椰子和被包装和… (在立刻逃脱的习性的热的时间,它成为寒冷,加入[chiyatsukari]蒲团,勒索致利者勒索致利者说, [ru] (=^ ^=))
- 繧 [o] 繝? 繝 [shi] 繝 crab XC 縲 √ [mu] which it does 繝 悶 the Î 繝 吶 [ya] 繝 fang? 闕 [ki] 縺 encouragement ∪ 縺 encouragement & 縲 √ ' 繝 [sa] 繝 [sa
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mychair/archives/1675888.html The tortoiseshell cat is said that happiness is brought, but when you look at her, being healed truly,…, a liberal translation 幸福被带来的龟甲猫说,但是,当您看她,真实地愈合,…
Tortoiseshell cat, Adorable,