- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://myhome.cururu.jp/karisumasony/blog/article/21002795161 “Putting out, like whether the ~~” [tsu] [te] you say of, being desperate, [hu] ゚ [hu] ゚ [hu] ゚ w which extends the hand (*≧m≦*) “Põr para fora, como se o ~~” [tsu] [te] você diz de, sendo desesperado, estende a mão, (*≧m≦*) [HU] o ゚ w do ゚ do ゚ [HU] [HU
- You carve also the conception of the painter and the teacher and the 摺 [ri] teacher are enormous: National 芳 spreading/displaying latter term, a liberal translation
http://kasuga-hatsune.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post-7d65.html As for “_ figure of performer summer”, previous term 6. Brocade picture “both nations' evening the cool 之 figure” was made to remember Quanto para do “à figura _ do verão do executor”, precedente o termo 6. noite ambas as nações de brocado retrato de “a figura fresca do 之” foi feito para recordar
- Clear woman. .
http://oishii-mausan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-6888.html That “go out”, the ~~~, a liberal translation Isso “sai”, o ~~~
- 'Night ~' postscript of tortoiseshell cat 2 ~ grape colors of basement
http://tonco80.cocolog-nifty.com/tonco/2009/10/2-7913.html “The worth which was made was thought the ~” keenly “O valor que foi feito foi pensado o ~” afiada
Tortoiseshell cat, Adorable,