- Your good year
http://tian2tian2.blog115.fc2.com/blog-entry-461.html Among such, the word which tells from the acquaintance which encounters to earthquake disaster “we, it was utilized”,… it was the word which comes heavily Entre tais, a palavra que diz do conhecimento que encontros ao disastre do terremoto “nós, ele fomos utilizados”,… era a palavra qual vem pesadamente
- It is 12 day →19 day.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mingoskitchen/52753982.html It has meant such a thing with noway not to know, when you open the door of the store, from in [dodo] - the [tsu] and the water… Significou tal coisa com noway não saber, quando você abre a porta da loja, de dentro [dodo] - [tsu] e da água…
- Hay fever., a liberal translation
http://ofsp-k.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-5a55.html From such a thing, in the school of yesterday the older sister of weather forecast said De tal coisa, na escola de ontem a irmã mais idosa da previsão de tempo disse
The Great Flood, Nature,