- You see in “Noah's one boat”, ultimate decrease disaster evacuation conduct
http://zz-rider.cocolog-nifty.com/zzrider/2011/09/post-759e.html But, when, the is 16 years passing, furthermore, as” the small bone sticks”, is, it is to continue there to be a heart blame, regret to as a feeling of your own Pero, cuando, son 16 años que pasan, además, como” el pequeño hueso se pega”, es, es continuar allí siendo una culpa del corazón, lamenta como a sensación sus los propios
- Mark of disaster
http://sakurairo713.blog22.fc2.com/blog-entry-165.html And it means that “something voice was audible”, Y significa que “algo voz era audible”,
- 惑星Xについて。
http://miihyann.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/x-e212.html And, “natural shape of planet x is companion Nemesis”, that the researchers who refer are not few, a liberal translation Y, la “forma natural del planeta x es Némesis del compañero”, que los investigadores que se refieren no son pocos
The Great Flood, Nature,