- Pan” s, a liberal translation
http://uzuhime.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/s-243c-1.html “It services”, it is “它服务”,它是
- The intellectual [tsu] it is dense! So the introduction “Japanese nationwide area seasoning the best 7”
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/tvotoriyose/diary/201203240000/ “The “[hanabusa] soy sauce” it does, the truth of the [yo] [u] [yu]”, a liberal translation ““[hanabusa]酱油”它,真相[yo] [u] [yu]”
- The intellectual [tsu] it is dense! So the introduction “area seasoning best 7”, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/goods10/diary/201203240000/ “The “[hanabusa] soy sauce” it does, the truth of the [yo] [u] [yu]”, a liberal translation ““[hanabusa]酱油”它,真相[yo] [u] [yu]”
- In sink fog peak
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/dejikamekatateni/38042793.html “The dry ice it is used or, the [a]?”With it is heard “, a liberal translation “干冰使用它或, [a] ?”与它听见“
- doushitekonnani oishii no �� furenchi no shin mise �� jiyuu ga oka rokuronan ��
http://wajo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/post-9e18.html “Eggplant caviar” (525 Yen), a liberal translation “茄子鱼子酱” (525日元)
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