- You question with the [me
http://rinco-chan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-638d.html “You question with your birthday [me], it is” “Usted pregunta con su cumpleaños [yo], es”
- The intellectual [tsu] it is dense! So the introduction “Japanese nationwide area seasoning the best 7”
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/tvotoriyose/diary/201203240000/ ““It is round and others” the ayu fish 醤” ““Es redondo y otros” el 醤 de los pescados del ayu”
- The intellectual [tsu] it is dense! So the introduction “area seasoning best 7”, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/goods10/diary/201203240000/ ““It is round and others” the ayu fish 醤” ““Es redondo y otros” el 醤 de los pescados del ayu”
- [suitsu]* Eating at will*, a liberal translation
http://emi-ruri.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-b727.html “The pub of everyone thank you”, a liberal translation “El pub de cada uno le agradece”
- It is seeking also the eating friend strengthening lodging together 2011 11th food “oddball,” , a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/otoya_ane165/43517288.html When to “you compare the [bo]”, age layer of the customer echoes young with the [me], voice of the child Cuándo a “usted compare [BO]”, capa de la edad de los ecos jovenes con [yo], voz del cliente del niño
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