- Continuation HIKARIYA NISHI in Matsumoto, a liberal translation
http://yatsugatake.air-nifty.com/kouda/2012/04/hikariya-nishi-.html The dessert riding in the wagon, a liberal translation El montar a caballo del postre en el carro
- Tee Ta (The Osaka west Tenma tea room)
http://misuzu11.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/tee-ta-cff4.html The dessert was something which applied the un glaze source which adds the black tea to the vanilla ice, El postre era algo que aplicó la fuente del esmalte de la O.N.U que agrega el té negro al hielo de vainilla,
- 櫨 hermitage
http://punipunidiet.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-9d49.html The dessert has become just a little the plain picture, but El postre se ha convertido en apenas un poco el cuadro llano, pero
- Station Mogi of road, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/pingahir/38966319.html The dessert has the station of the road the [gi] the flower bed and the many carp streamers which were serviced El postre tiene la estación del camino [soldado enrollado en el ejército] la cama de flor y las muchas flámulas de la carpa que fueron mantenidas
- [irudesuko] - ilDesco -… the Italian food store of popularity it went with Toyama
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/biobiobio_3/e/563f658d3b332f207288928414d5727a The dessert was [konpoto] of the peach El postre estaba [konpoto] del melocotón
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/provencal2/archives/51885350.html It is introduction of the dessert Es introducción del postre
- At Tsuji hall lunch ~ special dessert, a liberal translation
http://kuge16.cocolog-nifty.com/michikoko/2011/11/post-3517.html As for the dessert the “special dessert” those which become, a liberal translation En cuanto al postre el “postre especial” los que se convierten
- Freedom hill world. Large catch* World wind boat quantity., a liberal translation
http://wajo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-a16d.html As for dessert, [zabaione] of peach En cuanto al postre, [zabaione] del melocotón
- shichi kaiki
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/miple_chan/34518731.html Also the dessert is luxurious - También el postre es lujoso -
http://wajo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-4666.html As for dessert vanilla ice and [barusamiko] flavor of strawberry En cuanto al hielo de vainilla del postre y al sabor [del barusamiko] de la fresa
Vanilla Ice Cream, Food And Drinks ,