- Coffee break meeting in Ikeda hot spring
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/smart_brain00/34034268.html [a], as for weather of tomorrow!? The [chi] [yo] [tsu] saddle we would like to make an excursion, but it is, [a], quanto para ao tempo do amanhã!? [Qui] [yo] [tsu] sela que nós gostaríamos de fazer uma excursão, mas é,
- Hinohara lake last [wakasagi] 釣 fruit, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ryuukisai/61491223.html It perseveres and increases also [a] coming season!! Persevera e aumenta igualmente [a] a estação de vinda!!
- As for seeing and others village of God discernment, a liberal translation
http://takkan.cocolog-nifty.com/happy/2012/05/post-82d5.html The [a], more and more it is and work from tomorrow [A], cada vez mais é e trabalho de amanhã
- Village Nanno of coffee break meeting in month seeing
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/smart_brain00/33835719.html [a]! It is work from tomorrow!! [a]! Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a liberal translation [a]! É trabalho do amanhã!! [a]! Amanhã, depois de amanhã
Roadside Station, Locality,