- Schedule of weekend
http://techgarage-s4.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-2286.html Because it became suddenly warm in about here 1 weeks, although it runs by the motorcycle, it became good climate Porque llegó a ser repentinamente caliente en alrededor aquí las semanas 1, aunque funcione por la motocicleta, se convirtió en buen clima
- , a liberal translation
http://puru-mama.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/o-055e.html Here, without fail and the ~ which comes it was and became the store Aquí, sin falta y el ~ que viene él era y se convirtió en el almacén
- Suddenly, to want stopping writing,…
http://u4ah3y6hj.seesaa.net/article/255901948.html Here several years, the quarrel which quarrel seems was not done Aquí varios años, la pelea que la pelea parece no fue hecha
- North entire it participates in walking of the meeting which probably will walk, a liberal translation
http://try0041.blog44.fc2.com/blog-entry-404.html As for here 2 months there was a foot painfully and had stopped walk, but after in the future walking, it selected in circumstance verification of the foot En cuanto a aquí 2 meses había un pie doloroso y había parado la caminata, pero después en el futuro de caminar, seleccionó en la verificación de la circunstancia del pie
Roadside Station, Locality,