- Station morning mist plateau cycling of road
http://asagiri.way-nifty.com/brog/2012/02/post-6280.html Air temperature around the home of this time was the 11℃ and two-digit, a liberal translation Lufttemperatur um das Haus dieser Zeit war das 11℃ und das zweistellig
- The [a] it is in time?, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/amagokatuhisa/entry-11213036060.html At this point in time 40 minute lapses Zu diesem Zeitpunkt 40 minuziöse Versehen
- This season first camp
http://m-kacchan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-ee10.html 10 o'clock exactly at this point in time 10 Uhr genau zu diesem Zeitpunkt
- By infrequent motorcycle to sea
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yukkie21jp/archives/1522018.html This time moving, increase the breaker it was Dieses bewegende Mal, erhöhen den Unterbrecher, den es war
Roadside Station, Locality,