- Snow now of Mt. Fuji number one
http://asagiri.way-nifty.com/brog/2012/02/post-ec3f.html When appearing of the home before the 10:00, the cloud depended on Mt. Fuji Quand apparaître de la maison avant le 10:00, le nuage a dépendu de Mt. Fuji
- 3.18 Yui cherry tree shrimp two
http://blog.livedoor.jp/samurai036/archives/1621526.html 10:20 around starting, a liberal translation 10:20 autour de commencer
- Station morning mist plateau cycling of road
http://asagiri.way-nifty.com/brog/2012/02/post-6280.html It leaves the home to around the 10:00, the sky clears up blue, also Mt. Fuji has been visible cleanly, a liberal translation Il quitte la maison à autour du 10:00, le ciel éclaircissent le bleu, également Mt. Fuji a été propre évident
- Flower round
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/h4k3/e/ca629ace7b72268601411c62624c1441 7:15 it left the house to around, a liberal translation 7:15 il a quitté la maison à autour
Roadside Station, Locality,