- Family itinerary in lofty
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ymo125/e/b6e05f2f16c16209997691b1b41b5d75?fm=rss Because weekday was the day off, the night cherry tree while to leave the 砺 wave to noon when it does to lofty of Nagano prefecture in seeing, to the high mountain… [dokidoki] do with gale when it runs high speed, from the flat hot water the remaining snow remains and afternoon 4 o'clock you are surprised arrives at Matsumoto before, advances to the central road from the… Nagano road to a way Nagano road afternoon at 5 o'clock the road paralleling cherry tree is visible it arrives at Ina city, the how [ho] which designates the sirloin which eats the Ina source and the bowl as the [katsu] bowl it is with luxurious one item, in the [katsu] bowl it thinks as number one 由于周日是休息日,夜樱桃树,当留下砺挥动对中午时,当它做对崇高看见的长野,对高山… [dokidoki]做与大风,当它跑高速时,从剩余的雪保持的平的热水,并且下午您惊奇的4时在马塔莫罗斯到达前面,前进到从的中央路… 向一个方式长野路下午的长野路在平行樱桃树的路是可看见的它的5时怎么Ina市到达, [ho]哪些选定吃Ina来源和碗的牛腩,当[katsu]碗它是与它认为作为第一的豪华一个项目,在[katsu]碗
- Noon boiled rice, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/swimaoken/archives/51810156.html Practice ends, has had a meal with the station of the road, a liberal translation 实践末端,有与路的驻地的一顿膳食
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/csh08ymatu/archives/51782985.html The station of the road “it did and others dining room in “[mu] of rice bran love question” - it is the leprosy” ate “this pig bowl” 它做和其他餐厅在“路的驻地“[mu]米糠爱问题” -它是麻疯病”吃了“这个猪碗”
- It became slow
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yamaben7772000/archives/52947743.html With the station of the road, it received the shrimp fly fixed food which is made the lunch 路的驻地,它接受了被做午餐的虾飞行被修理的食物
- Very much sweet ones two②
http://ff770.seesaa.net/article/246135412.html Passing by station Showa of the road, and the small well of the harmony candy when furthermore 4 the line it goes north, doing immediately entering Ibaraki prefecture, whether the station of the road it arrives 很好通过路的驻地Showa和小和谐糖果,当此外4线它去北部,做立刻输入的茨城专区,路的驻地它是否到达
- On No.732 massive rock beauty town cascade no
http://blog.livedoor.jp/simple_hama/archives/51863320.html (2011/11) Before the Ichinoseki museum, from the station of the road south was watched a little from the right angle crossroads crossover west (2011/11)在Ichinoseki博物馆之前,从路南部的驻地观看了一点从直角的交叉路天桥西部
- “If traveling it goes,” is., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kusunoki-37/e/d53b8cd9c12ded58f39cb246e67828d8 While as you think midway the station of the road approaching and the road doing it was in the road, a liberal translation 当,因为您认为中途接近驻地的路,并且时做它的路在路
Roadside Station, Locality,