- Cover stuffing
http://ameblo.jp/going-merry/entry-11240260968.html Today when it is the station [u] and others top of the road the Tokachi concentration Hoy cuando es la estación [u] y otras tapa del camino la concentración de Tokachi
- Nakasatsunai
http://blog.livedoor.jp/moris1017/archives/51927905.html The station of the road “the umbrella it is not”, being similar La estación del camino “el paraguas no es”, siendo similar
- The station of the road it is you came in the stripe
http://nishida-h.at.webry.info/201205/article_2.html The station of the road it is you came in the stripe, a liberal translation La estación del camino que es usted vino en la raya
- Carrying job of the hand drum can juice which is made the station sea turtle park of 2 road,*
http://ameblo.jp/mikan321403/entry-11242189381.html Carrying job of the hand drum can juice which is made the station sea turtle park of the road,*, a liberal translation Trabajo que lleva del jugo de la poder de tambor de la mano que se hace el parque de la tortuga de mar de la estación del camino, *
- Traveling ~ of south room village flower club ~
http://aloha03miwako.at.webry.info/201204/article_18.html 'It has been recorded before the station guide map of the road village flower club' “Se ha registrado antes del mapa de la guía de la estación del club de la flor de la aldea del camino”
- Station Towa of road morning
http://nishida-h.at.webry.info/201203/article_93.html Morning 6:30 of car Tomari is with station Towa of the road, a liberal translation El 6:30 de la mañana del coche Tomari está con la estación Towa del camino
- Urahoro*
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/amumoko/e/3d40c3f0a9ff828630b7862c4a2a17d7 The station of the road becoming new, it increased La estación del camino que llegaba a ser nuevo, aumentó
- Morning of station Kita of road home village, a liberal translation
http://nishida-h.at.webry.info/201205/article_35.html Morning of the station Kita of the road it is home village Mañana de la estación Kita del camino es aldea casera
Roadside Station, Locality,