- Cicada taking.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sumidog/archives/1691003.html Because so, “Hourai”, inclination it does not enter accurately, by any means it becomes suitable, Porque assim, “Hourai”, inclinação que não incorpora exatamente, por todos os meios torna-se apropriado,
- Still there is the falling drawing, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/matubarujr/7513330.html So those which it has in the hand do not happen to think, the [te Assim aqueles que tem na mão não acontecem pensar, [te
- Revival! [bu] [bu] pond, a liberal translation
http://ryou-mama.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-b61d.html So, when it arrives, they were the circumstances where with tension, it tries you probably to disperse the clothes by your, “Cook, you will call Cook” probably to disperse the shoes tries, now even directly to enter to water would like, a liberal translation Assim, quando chega, eram as circunstâncias onde com tensão, ele tentam-no provavelmente dispersar a roupa pelo seu, “cozinham, você chamarão o cozinheiro” provavelmente para dispersar as tentativas das sapatas, para entrar agora mesmo diretamente para molhar gostariam
- 死ね、スズメバチ
http://wonda56780.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/post-e1e0.html So it is not put on the nest Não é põr assim sobre o ninho
a butterfly net, Nature,