- Inspection result -.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/syo-chan/e/b495ee18a8ffba1b4a328de7d31578af Whether from now it becomes what tournament development it is the pleasure, a liberal translation Si de ahora en adelante se convierte en qué desarrollo del torneo es el placer
- The [o] [ji] sun it was not!?
http://atriefleur.at.webry.info/200909/article_12.html Until now, several degrees there was such, it is to seem, but the pulling [tsu] it was packed directly, so is Hasta ahora, varios grados allí eran tales, es parecer, pero tirando [tsu] fue embalado directamente, está tan
- As for absence part serious, a liberal translation
http://lime-kan.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-08-18-2 As for the latest telephone as for the younger brother when we would like to know, whether you are hospitalized in some ward it is like En cuanto al último teléfono en cuanto al hermano menor cuando quisiéramos saber, si le hospitalizan en alguna sala está como
- 母の入院
http://yurayuracattail.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/328/ Until now, some time it is the mother who is hospitalized, but it is unprecedented for the father to have become such a wind, Hasta ahora, una cierta hora es la madre se hospitaliza que, pero es sin precedente para que el padre haga tal viento,
Thrombus, Health,