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    Kubo pitcher,

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    • http://economist.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/06/post-f548.html
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    • , a liberal translation
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    • 4 gatsu 9 nichi ( gatsu ) notsubuyaki
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    • April 6th (gold) [bu] and coming that 13
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    • It does not become the 澤 village pitcher 10 victory eye of Giants,…Draw!!
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • Giants, never [sayonara] it is defeated,…
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Parc de boule d'Osaka et de Kobe Koshien
      belief , Japanese talking

    • Der unerwartete f-Vorläufer tat es…
      Vorläufererwartungsheutiger tag [taika] des ゙ [SU] seiend das Talent, das Krug sieht, mögen, Schaft Koike, das erhöht wird und denken, dass Sonntag es der Hukuhara Krug oder der Kubo Krug ist,… Gut wie für Koikes Vorläufererwartung, die schlägt nicht das Beiseite setzen… Nicht denken Sie? es war der Sieg, dessen gestern glauben gutes Erkundigen nach dem Innere und der Außenseite von einemmal mit [rashi] ゙ [O], nicht pünktlich zum Anfang des Turniers zu sein ist, es sich erhöhte, aber… Gestern mit einemmal nicht denken Sie? „es gab Spiel und“ war ebenso mit Angriff einer und 34. Das Mittelmäßigkeitzurückziehen/ein und Störung beendigend wird er entwirrt und er ist + fristgerechtes Papiereinzelnes, aber, multiplizierend im Fehler, entscheiden mit dieser Zeit der Kerbe, Streifen, jetzt, das er tat und nach dem spielenden Samen, [taika] ゙ [SU] tat dringendes [miteinku] ゙ so… Nicht denken Sie? heutiger Tag geht besonnen, 38 Siege…

    • 赢取的[a] ~~~♪
      密集地它是的每个人,它是它是[wa] junjun, (=⌒▽⌒=)至于与协会的今晚的[papan]…与[santerebi]棒球观察大阪和神户往中国天(- -;)连接的交锋…它似乎, (今天疾风)父亲在6时已经从汽车由的请求电话电话[setsuteinku] ゙录影记录在junjun做,解决, [凯爱] [yo]… junjun & (* [他] *;)起动10秒的前面完成退回…阵雨的比赛集合[papan]是快速的与[wakatsuta] ~ REPT ((◎◎))在蚂蚁麻痹゙ [ru的] HKRPT它在原位沙发坐下的一只手,并且…开始支持今天半路也被击败了,并且[a] ~父亲和它是junjun绝望在场面,它赢取了, (≧▽≦)正如所料Hiyama球员… Kubo投手[ha] ゙ [kayaro] ~ DREPT (。 它赢取甚而与没有的`д´。),由于~,您允许, [凯爱] [ya] [o] (疾风)今天也是的大家热的,小腿(´□ `。)它是疲劳, (Ω) /today junjun [toko]来,接受, [wa]和明天是与的完整cripes [o

    • Au milieu - ♪
      Bien que le bon tournoi que vous avez fait à 7 versos, le pichet de Kubo a-t-il accumulé le coureur et l'a-t-il éliminé et est-ce que l'un ou l'autre le pichet d'Egusa rattraper, comme pour le lancement habituel passant, l'ampleur que vous dites devenir loqueteux, quant à 1 se dirige bien qu'il soit retourné, avec ne pourrait-il pas a été défait pourquoi il ne peut pas frapper le pichet de Miura, vous ne pensent pas ? est-ce qu'il, les dernières entrailles que la pause du pichet de Miura devient fâchée, vous sont-elles seront-elles probablement ne pensent pas ? - - - (pleurant) revient demain à Koshien, l'aéroport est évident de la salle de l'hôtel que les séjours avec Shirahama vous ne pensent pas ? il y a une arrivée et un départ [tsu] [te] force de l'avion qui essaye de copier l'endroit où exactement, l'avion arrive - tellement ainsi de la salle qui est vue avec le sentiment qui renvoie à l'enfant (rire) autre que l'airportAlso le monde d'aventure qu'il était évident et de la future photographie il place -

    • Реле блокады
      В некотором [ma] это стало тузом левая сторона и серия климакса более лучшего чуда семени (cs) сразу, что выдвинулось, видеть талантливости 3 последовательных сражений ace левые рукоятки Хиросима который начинает re-, рисовые отруби [ru] с ударять 2 пунктов своевременный [burazeru] что шевелит с насыпью которая позволена играя удар внутреннего поля рэкетера в один появляться востока времени первый который упреждающе делает, послано к Akamatsu и смогл решить bunt но, Philips был обозреван с быстрым шариком под коленом и 3 качания Kurihara которое продолжаются были убиты в банальном левом летании и 2 временах которые отрезок 0 в табло от одной смерти упал перед центром в Hirose, но играя рэкетер, как отходить посредственности 2 рэкетеров и 3 персон/прекращая времена выдвигает также 3 и 4 времени которое режут последовательность, тангаж ритм которого первоначально хорошо возвращен, почему эта персона которая сильна в игре Хиросима «там никакое отношение,», которое трястиет шею, но как для показателя противовключения этого сезона с 4 поражением/несоосностью победы 1 турниров 2, с куполом Kyocera среднего числа выигранных пробежек день 0.728 месяцев 21 в 2 ошибке действия 7 времен большой за исключением ухудшать, как для лагеря весны который кладет вне результат точно немедленно прежде также 2 старта войск двигают к Kochi Aki, вызывающ к войскам 1 например, 23 ошибок иннинга постоянно non продолжен, пока ся который приходит здесь «очень хороший питчер хотел был как-то что верхняя часть сделана,» 1/3 с non ошибкой, Ando с этой победой которая касатьется к предохранению Бог Fujikawa как для видеть талантливости чточто повторило сетчатый тангаж с каретой питчера Kubo и приложением которое сказанное сверло [tsu] 7 времен держать вниз для того чтобы вытянуть вне, командой

    • Von der ersten Hälfte
      Osaka und Kobe, konnten Sie zum Damm gehen, der Iwata Krug von der ersten Hälfte, wenn… nach einer Zeit, es so lang sprechen hilflos ist, ist, aber das Versuchen, die gewonnene und zweistellige Askategorie schauend herum 12 Vereine, ist nicht, was die Mannschaft anbetrifft, die Osaka und Kobe und Lotte Co., Ltd., mit Hiroschima und in Hiroschima Lewis hier, das es es niederhalten kann, heraus setzt und - das Talent, das Krug das Innere [yo] sieht ist mit 9 Niederlage/Verlust des Sieges 8 und unterhalb des Seins, bitten der 7−8 Kubo Krug 7−7 Iwata 5−3 und das 8−9, das As Sie nennt, Sein, - nächste Woche vom 15. riesigen Spiel bis jetzt das Gold - Tag, der, gleichwohl das sehende Talent, die Vielzahl, es gewann mit darunter, von 15 Tagen beeinflußt [auswendiger] etwas in den Diagrammen kann ein wichtiger Aspekt werden, das airYou, müssen nicht tun,

    • Осака и Кобе 6-4 Хиросима (2010.3.31)
      Вы не думаете? сегодня был турниром в дожде, - игрок Kanemoto куда условие не поднимает от начала легко в времена 1 своевремено, хотя они 1 пункт упреждающий [tsu], сразу будучи обращанным на обратной стороне, в прискорбном был с 3 диаграммами снова более старого брата игрок Kanemoto сделал! На ходе с 2 побегите реверсирование хома ран! И питчер Kubo питчера 3 пункта [taimuritsubesuhitsuto] стреловидности бегунка! Тем ме менее преогромное [tsu] оно прокалывает на ходе и o который выпущенный (^-^) o после того, 2 пункта как для быть принятым его прискорбный,… Все еще от этого! Мы хотим persevering - 2 последовательных выигрыша, оно восхитителен в Хиросима -

    • Cliffhanger
      In Giants 3 - victory it did with 2 and now the card net win first time, with 1st number solo hr of the Sekimoto player 8 times which are received with preemptive 1 - 1, the [burazeru] player was approached to 2 point timely 1 point differences from the loaded bases, as for victory and the present cliffhanger where, but the Fujikawa pitcher [kitsuchiri] as for the Kubo pitcher of the forerunner which was tightened with polite pitching 7 times with 1 mistakes holds down at 2 victory eye today 4 successive wins, as for large reversal victory of yesterday in spirit rides the victory which becomes self-confidence

    • Grumbling room of Wednesday
      Because Tokai district there is no television relay, you do not understand well, but…Still as for the kind of details which are defeated grasping, however increase it is,…A lot of good throwing of doubt it has done with say, why continuation throwing being able to point to the Kubo pitcher? Why it continues using the Jojima player where that of doubt has stopped? Timing of the pinch-hitting of doubt is bad!! With attack of the nine reverse sides of doubt as for the Sakurai player assuming, that there is no ginger, making the Fujikawa 俊 player strike whom shock does not appoint to the star men with topic that way? It wasn't thought that from that nose of doubt it becomes extended game? That you think whether it is in addition to, but unless the flow of the tournament which is the doubt which I feel to the last from bulletin of carrying is grasped it wins and like the present tournament which becomes the game to drop

    • ~ el 29 de abril de Giants del día principal de ~ - 28vo cuarto juego
      ¿La jarra de g3-1d Higashino lanzó hasta 8 veces y sacó y la jarra [del kurun] que estaba fuera de servicio como resultado de la perseverencia, se convirtió en el resultado que produce la jarra de Kubo, pero en cuanto a la perseverencia de esta jarra de Higashino en cuanto a convertirse en la echada que no se conecta con 6 ojos de la victoria que él está probablemente claro considerado como quienquiera, sin embargo, está ningún 5to encanto de los tigres de Hanshin, es, pero usted no piensa? Giants 2do, aplicación de dios de los aumentos,

    • *对表示怀疑与的32☆银行投手捕获[我
      关于与银行投手3也指向使感觉休息与2 Ogasawara球员Lami的出神离开的天敌的互换比赛Seibu比赛第4个比赛狮子先行者,看见, [关于]它增加与Kamei, [tsu]做,因为至于为仍然~在小腿Nishimura投手以后,去土墩的Kubo投手今年稳定对没有命中复兴,大高度。 互换,在战争能坚持以一半之后, ~的这个条件

    • Juego del intercambio del béisbol profesional (5/29~5/30)
      Osaka y Kobe gana sucesivamente en el jamón del día, los tiros de la jarra de la grúa a la jarra [del darubitsushiyu] en una batalla y los triunfos, el segundo juego lanzar de la jarra de Kubo el buen hace siete veces el home run de colada del lazo de la jarra de Fujikawa, se convierte en juego extendido, lanzar de la jarra de Watanabe el buen hace después eso y la victoria hace con el vuelo del 犠 de Arai que decide

    • Присутствующее утро (6/7)
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , linked pages are Japanese

    • Berufsbaseball-Austauschspiel (6/6~7)
      Schlagenanordnung des Osaka-und Kobe-[maton] Anfanges explodiert und die Vorläufer Kubo Kruglisten 4 Siegaugen mit dem Sammelwerfen und ist angenehmer Sieg

    • The Osaka and Kobe anti- Lotte Co., Ltd. tournament result
      Nice pitching Kubo pitcher! [hiin] Kubo pitcher! If tomorrow it wins, because it is net win! We want winning by all means, shank ~♪ [buratsuzu]! Health Osamu! Older brother! You question with your home run [me]! As for end the sphere child holding down! It won in 4 to 2! It seemed everyone support tired like the Tigers fan of entire country!

    • 7-3是宜人的胜利♪
      与那个互换比赛开头第一场海湾比赛赢取与7-3与那个的地方是被投掷的…先行者乘6次胜利眼睛渡边的Kubo 6的真实的弓监督就职典礼共计100胜利成就- > Nishimura - > Uezono的某一胜利中转是与触击好投掷3个的差错,然而先发制人1的点您追上了直接地在・ ・ ・之间1次[matonshiyotogoro],邀请与4 Kubo光命中的错误或写前和2-1与Toriyauti领域击中3-1在平原2 Kubo投手罢工的点实时性2个基地5-1作为今天从大参与2是的4点5新井9 与独奏本垒打6-1 [burazeru] 20的加法与独奏本垒打7-1However您退回2点到6次在此以后,也撞击Nishimura本垒打至于为胜利点的新井明天,虽然您被触击3个基地在3个更低的庭院,被认为的常设立场采取击中从事的四併射击,并且海湾与克制Jojima是快速的那被做和…请显示沥青哪些甚而从现在起变得麻木是大参与一点Kubo投手与投掷的击中的*被击败*乘驾的在与7-3的安心汽车并且面对对土墩 请与绝望补丁的胜利

    • 7-3
      La relación o todos los torneos del torneo del w porque el béisbol profesional donde la taza fue hecha con el juego de día, nuestro equipo de tigre es relais inusualmente el equipo de la estrella de la bahía y, con la observación de NHK y del torneo y la broma incluida en cuanto al torneo que aumenta está también el buen lanzar de la jarra de Kubo, además como para el último que mantiene hoy porque hay una diferencia del punto, el relais que se completa con la jarra una de Uezono también tanta mientras que 20 de los jugadores [del burazeru] él pega los resortes hacia fuera acaba para escaparse y del relais y sin peligro el equipo del conejo de la posición primera se derrota a el equipo del dragón, juegos detrás está en 2.5g mientras que se acercaba mañana a nosotros quisiera ir con triunfo sucesivo con el equipo de la estrella de la bahía y este alcohol

    • jogo gigante junho 2ö - de 67th do ~ do jogo do ~
      Para ser funcionamento peculiar home instantaneamente compreendido de g3-1b da vitória Lami menos batidas do jogador na mesma diferença do ponto que a respresentação japonesa, a semente melhor mas, porque o jarro [do gonzaresu] tinha feito igualmente o bom jogo, lá é igualmente um lugar onde nós queiramos a união da vitória depois que tudo… a sensação de segurança do jarro de Kubo é esplêndido não obstante

    • Удар турнира компановки 8 бэттинга тигра последовательно two-digit
      Питчер Kubo туза тигра 412.001.984 ∥9 Tsubame 20.020 ∥4☆ и 7 глаз победы [одна диаграмма времени] руководителя игрока dignity*, игрока Анни Oakley* простого, игрока циновки hitting* 犠 [maton], упреждающего своевременного игрока Arai hit*, игрока ゙ ゙ ゙ hit* [kureiku] [hu] [rase] [ru], игрока Hayashi hit*, ゙ 2 пунктов [taimuritsuhe] [suhitsuto] * игрока Sakurai, своевременного удара внутреннего поля [2 диаграмм] * руководитель игрока, игрок циновки Анни Oakley* [maton], игрок Arai hit*, игрок ゙ ゙ ゙ Анни Oakley* [kureiku] [hu] [rase] [ru], 犠 летающ [3 диаграммы] * игрок Hayashi, ゙ [tsuhe] [suhitsuto] * руководитель игрока, ゙ [taimuritsuhe] [suhitsuto] * простый игрок, своевременный удар [6 диаграмм] * руководитель игрока, игрок Анни Oakley* простый, игрок Arai hitting* 犠, ゙ [taimuritsuhe] [suhitsuto] * игрок ゙ ゙ ゙ [kureiku] [hu] [rase] [ru], ⇒ справки ゙ [taimuritsuhe] [suhitsuto

    • Nie Bereichkind
      Dass Sie denken und beginnen, ob dieses und das ~, das es werfend und… letztes 1 heraus Sammel ist, ohne abzukommen tut, gleichwohl das Sammelwerfen, das der Türschließerbereichkindaussehen Kubo Krug ärgerlich so getan wir war, wünschte das Handeln, weil Glück das Reisfeld Sie schlecht tat, wenn bin ich der werfende Brand der Fortsetzung (Lachen) der anwesende Held der [ho] das die Matte [maton] ist Spieler die Turnieranerkennungs-Streifenkastanie auf jeden Japaner [MA] [MA

    • [hokusu] (the Osaka and Kobe 4 games) hole ton all-inclusive throwing victory!
      From 4 times and 1 out, Kawasaki you walk starting pitcher t Kubo h [horutonhokusu], with the four ball, when [oteizu] which continues, to the left line 2 based hits, the left Kanemoto player processing of the cushion ball between erroneous, Kawasaki you, returns to the foam/home at a stroke from the 1st bases, preemptive does, from 2 out, with 2 run home runs of [tamu], to take pursuit adding point, 3-0, from 2 out, with 3 repeated hitting of [oteizu] Kokubo player [tamu], first in 6 times which are led/read 1 points, furthermore Annie Oakley of the extrusion, Tagami 秀 runner sweepIn the timely 2 bases, this time action 5 point, 8-0 and lead/read was expanded and, the hole ton, 6 times, held down to just 1 points between the infield racketeers, threw 9 times and the drill, victory did with 8-1! Today first, at the hole ton of all-inclusive throwing victory the shank! Also the consciousness that the high way from the first time, with very polite pitching, you will throw the long inning, holding down to 4 hit 1 mistakes which are visible, without complaint to b that it is visit to Japan first all-inclusive throwing victory (o^- '), batting line-up, being good, the shank! The Kubo pitcher condition was good, is, but from the Kawasaki your four ball, it was good, 3 points took 4 times! And, as for 6 times, from 2 out, connecting, 5 scores! Now, the tam-tam older brother where the tournament is decided completely (^~^), losing throwing is not let escape and 2 run home runs which are struck and, two expansion gaps are pulled out stubbornly, the timely of the valuable 4th point b and Tagami which are large participation (o^-') 秀, timely of runner sweep of the useless pushing - with, the b only also today is participation (o^- '), just a little, becoming matter of concern, as for at bat kana there of 9 hole tons, that it does not strike, at bat before that you think as the kana which the indication it is possible to put out and the runner 2 base say, not to strike, the [te]That you thought as good kana somehow you say, but today, it eradicates the hateful being defeated of yesterday, victory was pleasantly (^o^)/feeling to be good, returning to the foam/home, in addition, please show the good game!

    • The super tiger 2 cards wins after a long time consecutively with great victory of 10 scores. REPT o 丿
      The Osaka and Kobe 10vs Yakult 2 super tiger bet the super attack of hitter round in 3 scores and 3 charts in 2 charts and the bird valley, 12 and 16 with continual solo hr of the Kanemoto player and 1 3 runs hr etc of the Asai player achieved 6 points at a stroke and the Osaka and Kobe forerunner Kubo pitcher who from the non dead 2.3 base lists the 10th point of two-digit score with the sacrifice fly of the Sakurai player very hit 10 was struck in 9 charts which decide the tournament but to tighten important point, 3 times to throw up to 8 times with 2 mistakes and to get off the mound with some amount to spare, as for the last time the goldVillage. The pitcher threw and held down with 0 and the Osaka and Kobe Kubo pitcher who victory is done 8 times lifted 7 victory eyes with 2 mistakes, \ (~o~)/

    • There is no either yes, there is no either failure
      correr ganha é ausente ao jarro de Kubo aqui que fornece esta vitória do dia do junho õ Koshien Osaka e o banco de software de Kobe 9−2 como o ar que não é um ou outro a matéria que se você se transforma o jarro da vitória que é a existência que é a posição onde é a mais próxima àquela, mas você provavelmente escreverá igualmente a elegia dessa aparência, o que lá não é nenhuma matéria que você escreve nele, sendo engraçada, [yu] -, ele é estranho, não extolling, se você melhora, torna-se bom, se o carvalho fino do sentimento da existência, você aponta para a vitória, quanto para a esse poder em linha reta e a rampa e o slider que se tornam necessários… pouco defeito concreto do kindThe da esfera onde também a ligação de Jojima/leu qual é encerrado com a combinação são agradávens não podem ser encontrados, mas, com esta vitória no último aproximadamente 4 a derrota/falta da vitória 4 1 mês onde tinha ido longe da vitória, ele parece que o fator preliminar sério está escondido lá, ele é o tipo do jarro que não é terminado, se é, provavelmente lá era nenhum tampouco tipo da coisa que é Lotte perseguido Co., Ltd.]]>

    • This season beginning observation
      日本語 , Japanese talking

    • 5 hit pitchings of the forerunner Kubo pitcher in home run offensive posture of the axis hitter it is pleasant at Chiba Lotte Co., Ltd. victory!
      123,456,792 meter h e Osaka and Kobe 101,101,010,944 Chiba Lotte Co., Ltd. 11,260

    • The Kubo pitcher does not strike tonight, the [te] in the mass point of opening the complete victory to Tokyo Yakult!
      Puisqu'il y a classe pendant 123.456.792 mètres h e Osaka et matin de Kobe Yakult 200.204.096, quant au football de l'aube tôt de présent vous n'avez pas vu, alors qu'en outre, sans suivre presque, [chirachira] vérifiant l'un ou l'autre le base-ball faisant une autre chose, se sentant au repos au moment quand il regagne 2 points qui dans 6 diagrammes dans la base deux continuelle du 4ème joueur du terrain interne d'Arai et du 5ème [joueur du terrain interne de burazeru] sont pris de 5 versos, quand longtemps il sort du bain qui se baigne, juste la dernière fois le pichet de Kubota étant présent, jetant, il augmentait, vous ne comprennent pas bien pourquoi, il est, mais quand presque le pichet de Kubo a fait le lancement inclusif, avec Yonago qui est probablement le même whatThe Hiroshima de chose 2 batailles successives d'une manière qu'on le décide à l'étape finale, mais si regarde ce soir des points, accepter le point de vue de masse de l'ouverture, quand l'équipe subalterne qui est le sentiment qui abaisse Tokyo Yakult légèrement le pichet de Kubo jette à l'associé, comme cet être, la course à la maison ne sortant pas au parc de boule étroit de tombeau où désirée lui est la pomme de terre particulièrement, il fait également l'air regrettable que vous ne pourriez pas voir passionnant tiré [du joueur de burazeru], mais 9 points pour prendre avec 12 coups, en outre parce que, ils sont 7 points 1-3 avec de la période de l'ouverture, plainte vous vous attacherez ne savez pas bien, victoire successive visant également demain, persévérant votre temps de Tokyo qui est des tigres de notThe !

    • * The 28☆ successive defeats stop which is questioned with the [me
      Giants this evening which is in the midst of 3 successively losing whether both the Higashino pitcher who is in the midst of optimistic game ace rock 隈 pitcher 7 winning successively in 3 to 3 from descending/disembarking board 8 time the Kubo pitcher the going to the mound Kamei player center over the fly ball which is thought nice catch 9 charts as for nightmare of the [sayonara] being defeated of deciding two run yesterday which is thrown into the [a] attack Nagano player back screen already the [me] it is 9 reverse side safety holding down, 5: With 3 successive defeats [su

    • Blockade all-inclusive throwing!
      The modern professional baseball pitcher appointment “forerunner” “relay” although “you hold down and” in order with this system where the system which the role allotment which is said is clear has become fixed, to win game securely, in addition, evading excessive mental and physical burden of the pitcher, you do the thing and understanding which is the reason such as in order to protect player life is not the meaning which is baseball experience in me, but when analogizing the state of mind of the pitcher where it is relied on and is expected and stands in the mound as a forerunner, perhaps in feeling of that pitcher, because of your own reputation victory of the teamFor the sake of doing good throwing, if it is possible, that the tournament where such thinking which is thought whether it is not to be the forcing thinking that “blockade all-inclusive throwing” we would like to do, has become actuality 2 tournaments the first card of the pennant race/lace latter half game which was done in Koshien which was continued, Osaka and Kobe - [ganbare] “Hanshin Tigers” where something latter half game where team record and the expectation to climax lease which in the Iwata pitcher the Kubo pitcher plays beautifully 3rd game become sufficiently as for occurs is in 2nd game of Yokohama 3 successive battles

    • After all all-inclusive throwing…!
      2010.6.6 (jour) qu'il éclaircissent et appeler celui que qui présente, l'associé de jeu de jour pousse et [la ligne d'ouate en feuille de hokusu] faisant le fonctionnement, de préemption, la poussée moyenne, inutile… avec, fait la méthode d'accepter le point de vue idéal après un long temps, il devrait le comporter est probablement le pichet de Kubo ! victoire de lancement inclusive de 9 fois de 2 erreurs après tout, quant à faire de lancement très inclusif de pichet, il y a une valeur,… avec, vous pensent sans faute ! Si demain elle gagne, vous pouvez apporter au disque de la cravate de jeu d'échange ! Le personnel de tangage de tigres, elle continue dans Kubo et… gagne à 6/6 banque de logiciel anti- Koshien 9 à 2 défaite/coup manqué de la victoire 24 du total 30

    • [aniki] Kanemoto player favorable ^^
      O jogo do intercâmbio do basebol profissional começado na estimativa center de Koshien, mas deplorável os tigres de Hanshin perdeu sucessivamente no Nipónico Carne Empacotador, Inc., (quanto para ao olho de grito da batalha, o jarro de Kubo que pode partir, quanto para ao jogo da derrota segunda, Oosita partiu adiantado, mas 2 aproximações de descida/de desembarque incompletas em diferenças de 1 ponto, o jarro das placas… de Kubota que forç para baixo, você que toma os 3 pontos decisivos, derrota em toda a luta escura é continuado em 7 vezes que, mas tem igualmente o tópico brilhante o ^^ que assim, registro (1492 competiam) da participação cheia contínua da vez interrompeu no jogo de abril 18o Yokohama, [aniki] o jogador de Kanemoto, o ballThe do prendedor que reabre a listra que faz e sorte do balde de madeira sabendo, jogador de Kanemoto, a menos que o ombro direito ferir, jogando uma esfera é possível, com [yu] [u] a coisa, veio fora do membro do precursor, mas pelo fato de que a esfera do prendedor está reaberta, uma, escalando o stairway, isto qual começ próximo à participação do precursor, nos tigres de Hanshin muito, muito, é notícia brilhante no Osaka e ventilador de Kobe você não pensa? quanto para a formação à batedura de Osaka e de Kobe onde o ^^ apesar de tudo, ainda o jogador de Kanemoto não permanece, autêntico lá é No., porque é porque, do jogo do intercâmbio (banco de software) do patrocínio [do parigu] de 18 dias, a participação com AO é grossa, o ^^ e a extremidade do jogo do intercâmbio que somos pleasureSimultaneously, com o começo regular do jogo após, nós gostaria de esperar o fato de que o anúncio “ô deixou de fluxos de Kanemoto” à estimativa de Koshien que é, sendo como o ^^ da pata de qualquer modo, ele recuperou favoràvel, formação da batedura de Osaka e de Kobe onde o jogador de Kanemoto que era bom verdadeiramente e é junta-se com AO, grande (^o^) do 丿 [aniki] que esperará que entra em erupção! Esperando, com [ru] - o Tag: Os tigres dos tigres de Hanshin

    • The [a] it does and is and does not come but
      En japonais , original meaning

    • Ando 2 tournament continuation KO…Reversal hitting you permit in the 涌 well
      也 Ando Yutaka предшественника (31) было сделанным ko 2 продолжений турнира, этим поражением сезона 4/глазами несоосности в первый раз 喫 начало отходить посредственности 3 персон/прекратить и само высоко, но когда побежали связь 2, котор к g Sato который опасность ждала в 2 временах, furthermore в 6 временах связи которая в щипке 2 мертвых вторых баз позволяет удар реверсирования 2 низкопробный в 涌 предшественника Seibu наилучшим образом от мертвых третей баз 1 позволить Анни Oakley в g Sato, спуская/disembarking доска 2-ое. «Egusa или оно не смогли отключить подачу, 5 времен как для кареты питчера Kubo которая содержание 1/3 и 6 ударило 5 ошибок вы не думает? (своевременный ударять добра 涌) расточительствовал, шарик высок и, был никак также [kire]», то как для Ando которое потревожил о правой руке условия понижаясь «сегодня там нет на всех», которые одно слово выходя, оно вытянуло до клуба

    • Japanese Letter
      La actual mañana el atascamiento del asunto [ji] [ya] de entrar de Okinawa de la altura del jugador de Jojima del grado de atención era sentido otra vez en la prensa acreditada del número enorme y en el asunto de la renovación del contrato de la jarra más baja del sauce “apenas que era cierto tiempo actual de Okinawa (buen tiempo) como a no ser, firma “la fila para la cual en la orden herida para no hacer, apenas prepara tales y comparar con la caña se convierte en el año pasado la cosa en buena circunstancia con el jugador cada uno que persevera, uniendo, también este año que quisiéramos ganar,” siendo astringente en 108.000.000 Yenes + cantidad terminada de caña” 72.000.000 Yenes abajo¿, usted no piensa? cabeceo exquisito que la gran cantidad demuestra por favor, la conclusión de la renovación del pitcherContract de Kubo con para arriba, después de que hasta 2/1 usted sintiera en descanso con toda la terminación, partidario de la noticia del deporte nuevo la de papel [maton] “si usted piensa que el cuál del entrenamiento de vuelta en cuanto a hacer con esfuerzo extremo no está el dolor y practicado es mejor usted práctica incluso con día de fiesta”, él viene saludo con la válvula de Kansai del día y actitud o diligencia estupenda de la práctica del tiempo [majime] [yo] [ji] [ya] el gato cuál puede ser pedidola que es denso algo partidario reciente, es diverso presentimiento y puede poder esperar, hace

    • Japanese weblog
      Because there is the present of the Osaka and Kobe line where the person of the company has entered into zaq at the house when you applied, it was elected, so is, it is enormous, zaq3 base side says the annual seat is guaranteed considerable number, (the kana which I will change there) with, everyone work which is the full house even with the weekday where the Arai player who has keeping accompanying is visible extremely in the vicinity has done properly, it is probably will be? When it is from this in position, as for the left pitcher the talent seeing pitcher who is visible well was the wind where sphere has become rough, but we hold down accurately, already we feel at rest considerably from the Ando pitcher other than the Yakult game which is character of the ace are seen don't you think? because (the ^^) and the hand and foot it is long to shake, wearing as for the form which is thrown very it is beautiful the tournament which this year when was observed talent seeing ratio to be high strangely, after Kubo pitcher and 1 lower willow pitchers it just is, because the opportunity which is thrown to the weekend when the air which is most talent seeing pitchers does is many naturally becoming so is many, however it is with, the tournament 2 to is the victory red sandal wood with 1Before I go with only 2 departure of solo home run, striking, fold 2 points which Osaka and Kobe were inserted, after all the Osaka and Kobe score scene to see, truly the [re] increases is as for my tournament which is pitcher game last year, ramming down Kudou in any case at the majority, the tournament which above the tournament unexpected 5 points which win enters almost there is no memory and is me the tournament which seems (coming out, as [kedo] which is not [ru] reason) been present, ending quickly 8:30, or doing forever with extension and with either one whether the [ru] of the shank usually work finishing at the company when it returns, it was attached to the house in the time when it does not change… f^^) with,Finally Tamura Jersey keeping wearing, it became first victory, after completing, successively losing, hurting, it is feeling of relief

    • 2010.5.12 [se] pas interchange game tournament result
      1-2 victoire : 俊 de Watanabe (3 défaite/coup manqué de victoire 3) s : Défaite/coup manqué de Hiroshi Kobayashi (8 économisant) : Sous-marin du pin 7 de Shimizu (4 défaite de victoire 3/coup manqué) [course à la maison] grand ([RO]) bas/victoire 1-3 de la rangée 7 ([RO]) : Défaite/coup manqué de banque (défaite/coup manqué de 6 victoires 1) : [gonzaresu] (3 défaite de victoire 4/coup manqué) [course à la maison] victoire 1-2 de Brown 8 Nakajima (occidental) 7 (ouest) : Kisida (3 défaite/coup manqué de victoire 4) s : Moins de défaite/de coup manqué du goudron (7 économisant) : Poussant le type l 11 ([ya]) de livre (1 défaite de victoire 3/coup manqué) [course à la maison] victoire 5-1 : Yoshimi (défaite/coup manqué de 6 victoires 1) s : Défaite/coup manqué d'Asao (1 économie) : Victoire 2-4 de Wada de tonne de trou (4 défaite de victoire 4/coup manqué) [course à la maison] 13 (dedans) Kawasaki 3 (l'Union Soviétique) : [ketsuperu] (défaite/coup manqué de 5 victoires 1) défaite/coup manqué : La vallée 5 (Dieu) d'oiseau de Kubo (3 défaite de victoire 4/coup manqué) [course à la maison] Inaba 5 (jour) quant à à ce premier jeu du jeu d'échange qui commence à partir d'aujourd'hui, autre que [doragonzu] tout le pas [riguchimu] gagné et avec [beisutazu], la manière plate vous allez au monticule chaque simple dans les tigres le pichet de Kubo [le pichet qu'original de marinzu] démarre à l'avance à venir après que le pichet perdant, si vous dites, temporairement le clic qui va au monticule après le pichet de Kubo du pichet de Kawasaki

    • Japanese talking
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , please visit the following link

    • Japanese weblog
      En japonais , for multilingual communication

    • [huotsusamu] 5 mistake 2 middle KO
      Der [keshi] [huotsusamu] Krug (32), nachdem das Besuchsjapan das absteigen/ausschiffende Brett, zum mit kürzesten 2 in der Mitte 5 Fehlern zu tun, wenn 1 Zeit 喫 festsetzt, 2 Durchläufe zu Goto- gegossen werden, zum des ersten Schwarzsternes zu 2mal hinauszuschieben, toter Bereich 54, der zwei den großen konfusen 5. Punkt darstellend miteinschließt, von dem Damm wegzugehen, „dort ist keine Entschuldigung in der Stierfeder“, dass der Kubo Krugzug, den Sie „reflektieren, dachte, weil, dass er zu der üblichen Steuerung unterschiedlich ist, Sie senkten schnell“ schlecht sind, dass, beim Erklären, sie den Kopf im Management störte vom Nickenpersonal

    • 12 club victory achievements of 7 public attention in histories
      resultado del torneo ■2009/07/14 hacia el día de China en 9 el juego Koshien|102.010|Dios 4|30.020 x|5 victorias: Derrota de la victoria 4 de Kubo 4/falta 0s s: Derrota de la victoria 3 de Fujikawa 2/derrota de la falta 10s/falta: Nakata 1 2 dioses de la derrota/de la falta 0s de la victoria: Kubo - [atsuchison] - en Fujikawa: Nakata - [payano] (día medio central de la liga, de Osaka y de Kobe 5-4, 9 juegos, derrota media/falta de la victoria 4 del día 5, en la 14ta, Koshien) la jarra de Kubo del precursor de Osaka y de Kobe 7 listas de las épocas 4 ojos de la victoria con 3 errores, en cuanto al expediente total donde la jarra de Kubo que alcanza todas las 12 victorias del club de la atención del público 7 en historias en 2005 ensambla una organización en Lotte Co., el Ltd., 09 años que en el 1r año con 10 derrota de la victoria 3/el brillo de la falta en nuevo premio del miembro, las transferencias a Osaka y Kobe, participa en la rotación del precursor la victoria a partir 34 de derrota/de falta de la victoria 35 todos los clubs, desde la jarra de Yokohama Kudou que alcanzaba en 07, se convirtió en hecho heroico de la atención del público 7 en historias

    • There is no backing in Osaka and Kobe Kubo…
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , please visit the following link

    • Load net win decision
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , for multilingual communication

    • In goddess of victory [dokidoki
      Depois que o trabalho está terminado um pouco de mais rapidamente e é [supidoganchiyarenji] [toratsuki] & dança afortunada à estimativa, começa e aplauso do sistema da esfera sempre também que está sendo manchado, quem quer que que está atual, embora uma ou outra voz não se levante, nesse formulário igualmente o jarro de Kubo [atsukina] do precursor sul do 奈 do discernimento da exposição limitada o e da maioria da natação desgasta apenas pouco até 3 vezes que o self-abandonment [te] é ponto recolhe 1 batido 4 vezes imediatamente com repetido batendo 5 vezes da reversão ([metsuchiya] em infrequënte) alcanç o laço, 3-3 a bebida do esporte da supervisão verdadeira da curva ([mim] é faz 2 vezes que não faz compra) 7 balões do jato mais tarde, batida repetida que tempo você bebeu! 1 para fora pinch-hitting 1.2 baixo! montanha do 檜! Sendo pegajoso com [huaru], no lugar do jogador liso oportuno que retira 3 aberturas da expansão que pinch-hitting! Takahashi! (O afastamento de escala da visão do forro a cara larga, enorme) a perseguição que adiciona o ponto [atsuchison] 1 ponto é tomada com a mosca da parte exterior do campo, como para a extremidade o jarro de Fujikawa que mantem firmemente, no carrinho ereto que obteve a vitória bonita quanto para ao jogador de Hiyama mim que em julho foi 40 anos de tração de colocação velha, o Koshien 7 vitórias sucessivas! Você não abandona ainda!

    • True bow Osaka and Kobe miscalculation and forerunner Abe 3 time 5 mistakes KO
      O precursor Abe Ken grossa o jarro (24) que 3 vezes que são o erro de cálculo 7 bateram 5 erros (self-reproach 4) com ele foi forç para baixo, esta primeira estrela preta o jogo 2ò de Hiroshima do 喫 da última vez (a abóbada Osaka de Kyocera) com 6 vezes lá não era nenhum formulário que enterra a ravina de 1 erro [rote] suficientemente, “, o tipo da estação do passo que para o fluxo foi feito, verdadeiramente, Abe que a desculpa não é após placa de descida/de desembarque, permanecendo no banco, continuado a fornecer a voz à equipe” à extremidade do competiam, mas o alvorecer de pensamento da vila do ouro de 3 contagens que não alcangue, por suposto em 4 poços de tubo da contagem e depois que a contabilização da equipe no erro que persegue o modo o waterIn os índices que derramam, o ônibus do jarro de Kubo igualmente “tem a tomada (o ponto) lá sendo um ponto () no placar do ponto que pulando e” com palavra pouco a supervisão verdadeira da curva que declara a continuação do precursor de Abe à última vez “que pensa o outro jarro quando, você não compreender ainda como se torna,” que, precursor seguinte foi feito do “uma reserva tempo”

    • The lower willow it was sticky! Going to the mound 3rd game first victory
      Unterhalb hartnäckig widerstehen, erhielt der Weidehärtekrug (41), diesen weißen Stern der Jahreszeit zuerst, der 20. Jahr des Fachmannes zu einem Gehen zum 3. Spiel des Dammes erreicht, „der erste Sieg, der Schlagenanordnung [samasama] ist? [So] und andere ist er“ herrlich, wenn normalerweise der schweigsame Mann, erwähnt Sein Letztes die Freude, während das Wehr 5-3, wo Sie stoppen, zu 5mal und zu 2 Todesfällen zu erreichen, der Läufer einer, die zweite Base und 1 Abfahrt, innen am Hieb herauskommt, in dem sofort, Höhepunkt das Recht des Szenensiegkruges des Umlenkungserzeugung besucht. Um fortzufahren Hatakeyama gefährlichen Kurs anzustreben, jedes Mal geschlagen zu werden bis 5mal die der schmerzliche Taktabstand in dem was den Spielbereich anbetrifft sind der das gewordene volle Zählimpulsmoment hatte das im Rutschhieb des externen Winkels 120 Kilometer eingesetzt wird, schlug Rechte Sakurai die von heraus fest überzeugt ist was die Zahl anbetrifft Fangbereichen zu dieser Jahreszeit die meisten zahlreichen 98 Bereiche erreicht hatte, 8 3 Fehler Yakult jeder Schlagmann um Innenwinkel, im Auftrag in Angriff zu nehmen das [zu] und andere [ku] zum zu tun, der Kubo Krugzug der zur Hauptplatte „überhangen wird weil der gefährliche Platz schlägt, der Krug ist rau, nicht denken Sie?“ aber mit Sympathie, während 2 tote Bereiche dieses Tages darstellen, wie für den Veteran, der die Art von selbst werden der zerstört, beklagenstern, welches notSo ist, das es der Trainer des Riesen war, der ist, 7, wenn Takuya Kimura (享 Jahr 37) plötzlich stirbt, was die unterere Weide anbetrifft die Ära Daieizusammenfügen sie in, Inc., welchem das traurige Denken [burogu], mit dem neuen Damm von den traurigen Nachrichten, welches auch die Tatsache dass Kimura und die Mahlzeit hat, welche in den Bewohner von Nippon Meat Packers gehört haben, Inc. zusammen, der weiße Stern getan, welches im Jüngeren unter 4 Jahren alt wurden entdeckt gesenkt wird

    • weblog title
      Питчер 也 Ando Yutaka (31) к кому также последней половинной игре возлагают питчеру начала полил 9 удары с 6 временами, но как-то немедленно после первого Kanemoto котором превышает при 3 ошибки терпя неудачу в, в Murata сверхразмерные упреждающие 3 бега терпя пуля позже которая каждый раз бегунок был позволен за исключением 4 времен, но вас straddled, не быть содержанием соответствия которому не дают «вас был возможен, для того чтобы мочь выиграть» счет который как для перекошенной кареты питчера Kubo усмешки «как для турнира однако оно соединило, там никакой питчер такого размера как предшественник потому что», с им был жестковат

    • 経験生かし来季へ=阪神の狩野、飛躍の1年−プロ野球
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon Feel free to link

    • 交流戦効果?タイガース・久保、12球団からクールに白星
      belief , original meaning

    • 最後まで安藤投手と心中しタイガース散る!
      123,456,792 meter h e Osaka and Kobe 52 Yakult 200,210 x 580

    • 高橋秀聡投手!
      Der Softwarebank Takahashi Krug, dieser erste Sieg der Jahreszeit! Wurden gestern die dringende Entlastung abhängig von Vorläufer und das erste gefährliche Bereichverlassen des Ooba Kruges, aber Sie halten 5mal schön ohne geschlagenes Nicken nieder und produzieren die bessere Kugel des Samens vier, aber nicht denken Sie? weil [BU] es Sie Nehmen auch drei Schwingen ist, nicht denken Sie? schliesslich wird die 150 Kilometer nahe schnelle Kugel von der Seite geworfen und [bezüglich] Nicken [ru] stoppt zu wünschen, wenn Sie das Nicken betrachten, wie gestern, das sogar mit Vorläufer, Osaka und Kobe attraktiv ist, die geschlagenen Blockaden des Kubo Kruges 2 das herrliche Nicken waren, zum zu verwenden zu versuchen! Es war Blockade seit Anfängerjahr, ist es mit ihm kann zum riesigen Spielschaft Osaka gegenüberstellen und Kobe in der Form, die gutes Sein 2 kontinuierliche Blockadesiege des Turniers ist, nicht denken Sie? und ist der Bewohner von Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. vermutlich ist zu zwingen? Lotte Co., Ltd. führt Schwäche, es ist vermutlich ist?

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