- * The 28☆ successive defeats stop which is questioned with the [me
http://ameblo.jp/hiro-yuki09/entry-10542044398.html 9 charts [a] attack ataque de 9 cartas [a
- Ando 2 tournament continuation KO…Reversal hitting you permit in the 涌 well
http://ameblo.jp/tigers1985champion/entry-10270136886.html The first time started 3 person mediocrity retreating/quitting and highest, but the pitfall waited in 2 times A primeira vez que começado recuar da mediocridade de 3 pessoas/que para e o mais elevado, mas a armadilha esperou em 2 vezes
- Load net win decision
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hihihirokikki28/33943227.html 9 times alternated to the Nishimura pitcher and very all-inclusive throwing let escape but 8 times with 2 mistakes in well the standard marks, the Nishimura pitcher permitted 1 points 9 times, but it finishes to escape very easily, the overwhelming victory of the 9−3 Examen, evaluacion y resumen , for multilingual communication
- 交流戦効果?タイガース・久保、12球団からクールに白星
http://taka007.cocolog-nifty.com/tora_uma/2009/07/post-59c6.html Finishing to throw 7 times, attack of the reverse side Terminando para jogar 7 vezes, ataque do lado reverso
Kubo pitcher, Sport,