- Tray day off of this year
http://ameblo.jp/ragic0503/entry-10988022152.html When eating it ends, on the bottom of the plate such a letter… Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- You are to be believed even by your word doing, already it is
http://kyounomenko.at.webry.info/201108/article_4.html When it finishes to eat, in the swift attack, dashing in the pharmacy, one air you drink breath CARE!!!!!!, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Fukuoka②
http://ameblo.jp/marii0405/entry-10883818954.html After eating it ended, it is shaken in the streetcar, [utouto, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Chinese noodles @ Shibuya
http://ameblo.jp/star-euphony/entry-10872854578.html Finishing to eat, 10 minutes dying meeting Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
Pork bones, Food And Drinks ,