- Directing to MCAS, in the midst of study
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hdjxc/e/8c88ccf2febeae5dd6ac11ec61dca36e Everyday you must do, when it does the minimum of the thing, that you scratch it studies facing toward the personal computer Diário você deve fazer, quando faz o mínimo da coisa, que você a risca estuda o revestimento para o computador pessoal
- Food reading sleeping
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kaya_works/archives/51849611.html Before the testing paid vacation taking, but having tested studying it is, a liberal translation Antes das férias pagas do teste tomar, mas testando o estudo dele é
- Difficulty of composition….
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/oguu-5021/e/56e6bf1c22f15c5655968825b5e65f0a Test study the little time when the daughter has done to the preschool… Teste o estudo pouco tempo em que a filha fêz ao pré-escolar…
Cramming for exams, Education,