- Specially to Himeji…
http://watanabe-sika.seesaa.net/article/189744107.html Today is the medium day off of the son daughter and year-end exam Aujourd'hui est le jour de congé moyen de la fille de fils et de l'examen de fin d'année
- Temporarily taking a rest.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/soraneko07/archives/55462535.html Test ended at today, taking a rest attached temporarily, a liberal translation L'essai a fini à aujourd'hui, prenant un repos joint temporairement
- zen'in goukaku de happi^
http://blog.livedoor.jp/cpiblog00338/archives/52089848.html Today there was mos test from morning, yesterday 10 sophia11 volunteers who end 13 people who are included faced to test, a liberal translation Aujourd'hui il y avait essai de MOS de matin, hier 10 volontaires sophia11 qui finissent 13 personnes qui sont incluses faites face à l'essai
- We're presenting to translate japanese sentences into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
http://ameblo.jp/saeko-kanaizumi/entry-10768652221.html Today until test of the university and entrance examination of the pupil end, end, a liberal translation Aujourd'hui jusqu'à l'essai de l'examen d'université et d'entrée de l'extrémité de pupille, extrémité
Cramming for exams, Education,