- Varieties, [itai
http://amiami15.blog112.fc2.com/blog-entry-1955.html Well, the [do] - it probably will become, a liberal translation Bem, [faça] - provavelmente tornar-se-á
- Theme is vigorous, a liberal translation
http://torayasu7.blog58.fc2.com/blog-entry-1355.html Because well, in any case, the document honesty, ending, is [ru] [deki], in order voice as for about the SI grass to be able to overwhelm other things, the [wa] which perseveres and increases Porque bem, em todo caso, a honestidade do original, o término, é [ru] [deki], em a voz de ordem como para que aproximadamente a grama do SI possa oprimir outras coisas, [wa] que persevera e aumenta
- Boring diary (31.AUG.11)
http://k-okazaki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/31aug11-838b.html Well, place because your own the expectation which is not!, a liberal translation Bem, lugar porque seus próprios a expectativa que não é!
- It does after a long time.
http://yahveh.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2228707/ Well, with, byte generation with the [ru] having, a liberal translation Bem, com, geração do byte com [ru] ter
Cramming for exams, Education,