- Schedule second look
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ara5-shihoushiken/e/df701ceafd78959aa13cf5ebeeb01517 By the way, because plan favorite of [ara] 5, in addition it corrected, a liberal translation Übrigens weil Planliebling von [Ara] 5, zusätzlich behob es
- The Stanford incandescence classroom, a liberal translation
http://itoyuko.cocolog-nifty.com/ureshiikurashi/2011/05/post-972b.html By the way, you see the son, another one word, a liberal translation Übrigens sehen Sie den Sohn, anderes ein Wort
- watashi no GW soushuuhen
http://les-incompetence.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/gw-97a8.html However immediately before the starting, large incident!!, a liberal translation Jedoch direkt vor dem Beginnen, großer Vorfall!!
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://kyasarin430.blog100.fc2.com/blog-entry-995.html However, [onma] already telephoning to the brother, although “it came to the theater, is shaken in the friend and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is - directly coming Jedoch [onma] zum Bruder bereits wird telefonieren, obgleich „es zum Theater kam, im Freund und [Chi] [ya] [tsu] gerüttelt, ist - direkt kommend
Cramming for exams, Education,