- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://rinouveau.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-3197-1.html These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://ringoman1223.cocolog-nifty.com/sheepsleep_flluers/2010/12/post-d3b4.html It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://u-wendy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-f143.html To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- sunobo^ katta ����
http://strasbourg.cocolog-nifty.com/chef/2010/02/post-8e5f.html konnen ha zettaiiku zo �� to shinnen ni kime teimashita Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- 2010/9/17
http://pythagora.txt-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/2010917.html konnen ha shainryokou gaarumoyou Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
http://blog.livedoor.jp/crazyzone/archives/51172032.html konnen ha �� teki^ra wo sosoga reteorimasu Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Company outing, Business, Leisure,