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放送終了直後から 編が“当然視...
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そういえば「空気 形」でペ、ド...
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ネットカフェ情報 すが、 6月... It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
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ギャラクシー賞c 部門 「r...
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「本当に共演者、 タッフの皆... recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
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To learn more, ask blogg ers to link to.
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その調査の結果、 務所内での...
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recommendation , suggest ions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
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ギャラクシー賞贈 式での、にの...
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Not to mention, having th at with [tsu] hanging public radio wave, it is made to explain once more, how, the excessiveness
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1 and 2 hours you do to d o, just a little the fatigue tend burn, it was good, -
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“That one time you thin k and stuff you do not hear everyone's advice, the finish there is about it goes”, that the person who says whether it is not to know that the acquaintance who is said is many, 姦 is crime in Korea it was
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Inside story with galaxy prize 贈 prize type, as for this one which has been recorded before the sight of Sakamoto defense thinks that truly, it is the ardent some fan, the [tsu] which is done extremely protecting, the [ru] it is, don't you think? (the *´ 艸 `) it is what, it is delightful enormously, because it is placing, also the article of galac of 2002 December edition which is together, it was very much grateful in me who is not labor assistant is, 'we would like to become the human who is not influenced by the thing some appearance which it has worn
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Today Ninomiya awarding c eremony galaxy prize private prize о (ж>▽<) y * Completely, you do, when, the [ro] which is awarding ceremony what - (? _?)Already, it ended, it is kana tomorrow, with [yuchiyuhu] ゙ to try checking, - (Σ ∀) Σ today, rotary 5 lap running 10 minutes which it ran…
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The galaxy prize [tsu] [t e] where Ninomiya is awarded galaxy prize and the [chi] [ya] is?? … When with you think and the varieties try seeing (or less excerpt -> the galaxy it did and it is the prize which is sent to the excellent program private group which the [yo] [u]), the broadcast critical forum established in 1963, contributes to the Japanese broadcast culture
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As expected, there was ju st the plan which is awarded galaxy prize
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[nino] ☆☆☆ '46th ga laxy prize and the television section private prize which attend galaxy prize awarding ceremony' (the bond of the meteor, the DOOR to DOOR) it is the prize winning* With the bond of the meteor, 'also my best is due to general poll tv prize' is the w prize winning! [nu] [a] [a] [a] ~~~~!!! The [me] ws was videotaped all the way, but only 2 programs be able to videotape simultaneously, expectation coming off and almost being able to take because increase it is (laughing) it is the prize winning with tbs drama, you thought tbs that it lets flow more, but it is, ......