- [kotsupepan
http://ameblo.jp/muracco/entry-10261842314.html ①It tries pulling out the egg
②Throwing the starchy wheat flour and the powerful powder in place of the soft flour ①Il essaye de retirer l'oeuf
②Lancement de la farine de blé féculente et de la poudre puissante au lieu de la farine molle
- Taste of the home which is not Chinese home cooking [resutoranmeniyu
http://hakodatenittyuu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-0165.html Letting flow starchy quality, you fry with the frying pan Laissant la qualité féculente d'écoulement, vous faites frire avec la poêle
- Cooling down, the tasty boiled rice “it goes, the knot”
http://tmyjk.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-2f86.html One of the main component which forms the starch granule Un du composant principal qui forme le granule d'amidon
Starch, Cooking, Science,