- 0401rurutic
http://twitter.com/0401rurutic RT @0401rurutic: Daesung said he really loves it when the venue turns blue during 'BLUE' #osakaalivetour
- Prince where??!!, a liberal translation
http://name.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-0832.html And, everyone! (* Is important from here,) the ash photographic fog (Cinderella's alias)…With me, it can encounter the prince the fact that you say!, a liberal translation ¡Y, cada uno! ¡(* es importante de aquí) la niebla fotográfica de la ceniza (Cinderella alias)… conmigo, puede encontrar al príncipe el hecho que usted dice!
- Sujets japonais, questions, opinions et suggestions, reflexions, commentaires, discussions, etc
http://momoiro-monogatari.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-324a.html How [se] today the ash whirling to the wind… It was perplexed, but f^_^ which washed a car;, a liberal translation Cómo [SE] hoy la ceniza que gira al viento… Era perplejo, pero el f^_^ que lavó un coche;
- The town where the ash falls
http://gogolatin.cocolog-nifty.com/house/2009/04/post-cc38.html So as for being able to laugh when cleaning the ash, the mask which has been done, a liberal translation Para para poder reír al limpiar la ceniza, la máscara se ha hecho que
very Ash fall, Locality,