- In Seki mound Japan and Syria with mistake just before of end defeat of great sorrow
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nekonabe48/e/763e6c9f5e97220ceaba0fb73a44cdcb The Senegalese typical 21 names of the u−23 African championship which now of the Japanese soccer association related page now of the conference u−22 Japanese typical 21 name last year of the conference in 11 - December is held in Morocco, a liberal translation 日本足球协会现在现在关系页会议会议u−22日本人典型21命名最后一年在11的u−23非洲冠军的塞内加尔典型的21个名字- 12月在摩洛哥举行
- Japanese talking
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/shige1974year/59514409.html Before the Japanese representation announcing member expectation, a liberal translation 在宣布日本的表示法之前成员期望
- サッカーな日。。
http://otauta.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/post-898a.html The Japanese representation the victory stripe makes pleasantly Chile, the seed - 日本表示法胜利条纹宜人地做智利,种子-
Yamada Naoki, Sport,