- If 2009 Urawa direct shine, chute practice goes “if you try probably to do favorably it is possible”, Yamagata game, to participation!, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mayu1117/entry-10339021924.html Simply, Yamada direct “after as for the body however it is not heavy, the condition returning first, is”, that showed prudent attitude, a liberal translation Simplement, Yamada direct « après que quant au corps cependant il ne soit pas lourd, la condition retournant d'abord, est », cette attitude prudente montrée
- Ragged
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/kikuko20030825/diary/201109120000/ After all the star men there was no Yamada direct shine Après que tous les hommes d'étoile là n'aient été aucun Yamada direct brillez
- It is what,, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/kikuko20030825/diary/201201160000/ After all you thought that the son is 1st what, Après tous vous avez pensé que le fils est ęr ce qui,
Yamada Naoki, Sport,