- [o] [mansoku] ardent love it is distant thing or the [tsu] of the partner!
http://ameblo.jp/onpu-special/entry-10595036555.html The occasion where spring of this year it visits Japan lastly to Japan please enjoy the animated picture of the fan which was photographed ww first just, degree rise! The [u] and others and the [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] which it increases it is!! When liking the article the ^^ and the animated picture which applause we ask have been cut off, applause of the corresponding article page L'occasion où ressort de cette année il visite le Japon pour finir au Japon svp apprécient l'image animated du ventilateur qui était ww photographié d'abord juste, élévation de degré ! [U] et d'autres et [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] que qui il l'augmente est ! ! En aimant l'article le ^^ et l'image animated que les applaudissements nous demandent ont été découpés, applaudissements de la page correspondante d'article
- Okinawa event
http://ameblo.jp/tch-director/entry-10387267740.html It is pleasant truly and highest, it is! Il est plaisant vraiment et le plus haut, il est !
- You saw “on site, “the Chinese seminar” of now” it held!
http://ameblo.jp/trendershr/entry-10508644952.html Story it received truly from multilateral point of view, very became study!! L'histoire qu'il a reçue vraiment du point de vue multilatéral, est très devenue étude ! !
- Reservation large maneuvers
http://ameblo.jp/domingo087/entry-10493204361.html It was the fatigue truly & it is large appreciation! m_o_m C'était la fatigue vraiment et c'est grande appréciation ! m_o_m
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