- iPhone4S was reserved with au
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- The portable telephone of the software bank is unpleasant, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/teburephoto/37396487.html Consultation of type modification of the portable telephone it died and went to the software bank, a liberal translation Consulta do tipo modificação do telefone portátil morreu e foi ao banco de software
- As for the security of iphone all right?
http://memechan.cocolog-nifty.com/talk/2011/10/post-e537.html The portable telephone circuit is the software bank and/or au in the sufficient story which is, support is the apple O circuito de telefone portátil é o banco de software e/ou o au na suficiente história que é, sustentação é a maçã
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http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/fp_a303/35166317.html But as for portable each company, that this of the contrivance which increases the user, the software bank of industry 3 rank iphone of the apple corporation increased the user to the weapon Mas quanto para ao portable cada companhia, esse isto do contrivance que aumenta o usuário, o banco de software do iphone florescente da indústria 3 do corporaçõ da maçã aumentou o usuário à arma
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