- Lotte Co., Ltd. Watanabe 俊, holding down software B batting line-up, about 7 victory eyes, a liberal translation
http://ayu19.jugem.jp/?eid=336 So, because of the entertainment world, it perseveres and increases Ainsi, en raison du monde de divertissement, il persévère et augmente
- From doubt to conviction
http://blog.livedoor.jp/orange_candy116/archives/51874939.html So, the [tsu] [po] which something in by your do it kept being able to pull out, beautifully Ainsi, [tsu] [PO] que quelque chose dedans par votre le font a gardé pouvoir retirer, admirablement
- au or software bank?, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/stbxxx/e/0bd4426c52c8f9087621d5df50faa2f5 So, height of the bundle of au is strange, don't you think? Ainsi, taille du paquet d'Au est-vous étrange, ne pensez-vous pas ?
- cho^ dokushoka de �� hitomae niyouyaku nare tatona ���� hatsu taoshi taikurai kawaii samuga toka ��
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-11006952393.html So, truth it was delightful, however it is, a liberal translation Ainsi, vérité il était délicieux, toutefois il est
Softbank, Sport, Hardware, Business,