- Bagels and a letter from Canada
http://cat-maccha.cocolog-nifty.com/maccha/2010/02/post-d877.html ← ↑ Pochi thank you to the rhythm 3 (u003d ° ω ° u003d) ♪ weekend bagels ← ↑ Pochi vous remercier au rythme de 3 (u003d ° ° u003d ω) Bagels week-end ♪
- 珍しく自己主張
http://cat-maccha.cocolog-nifty.com/maccha/2009/11/post-e543.html ← ↑ Pochi thank you to the rhythm 3 (u003d ° ω ° u003d) This is wild ☆ latte ← ↑ Pochi vous remercier au rythme de 3 (ω u003d ° ° u003d) C est sauvage latte ☆
- リフレッシュ☆
http://cat-maccha.cocolog-nifty.com/maccha/2009/10/post-9997.html Pochi thank you good rhythm ← ↑ 3 (u003d ° ω ° u003d) little people attended the awards Minasama wait ~ ♪ Pochi merci bon rythme ← ↑ 3 (u003d ° ° u003d ω) personnes ont assisté à la petite bourses Minasama wait ~ ♪
Sakura Saku, Music, Education,