- オークス予想!
http://ameblo.jp/nao5663-6817/entry-10266832395.html As for the betting ticket, from [buenabisuta] having tried probably to let flow to the horse of sign with horse ream, the ♪ which it increases Quanto para ao bilhete de aposta, [buenabisuta] da tentativa provavelmente deixar o fluxo ao cavalo do sinal com resma do cavalo, o ♪ que aumenta
- 桜花賞&中山障害OP予想
http://broadmind.cocolog-nifty.com/op/2009/04/post-b05b.html As for the partner with the timing circumstance which [buena] sets up, before or the rear extreme horse? Quanto para ao sócio com a circunstância do sincronismo que [buena] ajusta - acima de, antes ou o cavalo extremo traseiro?
- 桜花賞 ブエナビスタ 1強!?
http://ameblo.jp/hondafan46/entry-10238401219.html The head may be [buenabisuta], probably will be! A cabeça pode ser [buenabisuta], provavelmente será!
Sakura Mimosa, Gamble,