- Crisis one hair
http://ameblo.jp/stargirls/entry-10573329779.html Don't you think? by the way today! In the work return, lovely the cup densely ([shizu]) springing out from the house of the road paralleling, the [a] being flurried, it is the emergency brake! 您是否不认为? 顺便说一句今天! 在工作回归,可爱([shizu])密集地反弹从平行的路, [a] flurried的,它的房子的杯子是紧急制动器!
- As for being 2 times there are 3 times, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/a-tan_1965/e/d7e7bd9f97782d8e7ef364f93ea8fd79 By the way, today with eve the shank 顺便说一句,今天与前夕小腿
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/tom101/entry-10453446041.html However, just this it does not end this day, water ic of the Seki surpassing road is delayed 然而,它不结束这天的这,卓越的路被延迟Seki的水集成电路
Pileup, Reportage, Locality,