http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tomy_jun1128/17185808.html Always lovely making, thank you for the ♪ Factura sempre encantadora, obrigado para o ♪
- weblog title
http://yukapin-eighter8-1.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/puzzle-29-2c36.html Always, the [tsu] [te] which is written saying, however you do not scratch Sempre, [tsu] [te] que é escrito o provérbio, porém você não risca
- 確信犯なヤキソバマン
http://myhome.cururu.jp/kahokj8/blog/article/31002732691 Always, always you think, it does,, a liberal translation Sempre, sempre você pensa, ele faz,
PUZZLE, Video Game,