- Reading poult of the ranger
http://ameblo.jp/m-hati/entry-10243649174.html (- ω-;) When something you are not transmitted the ~ [tsu] [te] feeling even by your, it is many, is, (pω (- ω-;) Quando algo você não for transmitido o ~ [tsu] [te] sentindo mesmo pelo seu, é muitos, é, (pω
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://ameblo.jp/chi-0310-re8/entry-10243493137.html (; _;) Because it is to be completed, we assume that there is no ginger, (; _;) Porque deve ser terminada, nós supor que não há nenhum gengibre,
- hafu ^^ n
http://yukapin-eighter8-1.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-f239.html ('; Ω; `), a liberal translation ('; Ω; `)
- ぱずる魂0620 レポ1
http://myhome.cururu.jp/ysmm81ynou/blog/article/91002713634 Whether (there is no here and at the time of the [te] ranger was! ; ; <-) Se (há nenhum aqui e na altura da guarda florestal [do te] era! ; ;
PUZZLE, Video Game,