- No type boy?, a liberal translation
http://f-maemuki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-d079.html [a]…This which understands,, a liberal translation [a]… isto que compreende,
- To tell the truth it is the play diary of amount of yesterday
http://uribousanjou.blog40.fc2.com/blog-entry-1592.html [a]…Don't you think? something, this flag [tsu] [po] [ku]? (Wry smile) dividing with the mother. As for 崇 chrysanthemum. For searching, to Asakusa [a]… você não pensa? algo, esta bandeira [tsu] [po] [ku]? (Sorriso irónico) dividindo-se com a mãe. Quanto para ao crisântemo do 崇. Para procurarar, a Asakusa
- “87CLOCKERS” it is short impression 001
http://nyayuki.cocolog-nifty.com/nyas_manor/2011/06/87clockers-001-.html The [a], as for speed you measure with something applying? Sled [ya] benchmark, a liberal translation [A], quanto para à velocidade você mede com o algo que aplica-se? Marca de nível do trenó [ya
grass eating men, Reportage,