- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://kome100.way-nifty.com/kougakusigi/2010/12/post-bb5b.html High educational background the person even among those to be small separately and discriminates ranking 高教育背景人甚而在是的那些之中小的分别地和歧视等第
- jidai to tomoni kotoba to tomoni ��
http://gata.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-04-28 High earnings, high educational background, high height 高收入,高教育背景,高高度
- �� fuku �� parareruwa^rudo niirumou hitori no ore ga kai ta nikki
http://blog.livedoor.jp/moneylight/archives/51841298.html High educational background high height high earnings her it has and although we which is the super rear being full the liquor is strong, is seen from the other woman with the look of envy, she is in we, but regrettable there is no interest in, the attitude that is carried out it is, 高教育背景高高度高收入它有和的她,虽然我们是超级的后方充分的酒是强的,从有妒嫉神色的另一名妇女被看见,她是我们,但是遗憾没有兴趣,被执行它是的态度,
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