- Romantic love is drawn
http://ameblo.jp/gesaku/entry-10950506851.html It is the expectation which can evade the sad conclusion where each other to know, if it can attach coming to terms, said the difference of the attachment that it divides with the person who with special care has become favorite É a expectativa que pode iludir a conclusão triste onde saber, se pode unir a vinda aos termos, disse a diferença do acessório que divide com a pessoa que com cuidado especial se tornou favorita
- In the midst of the hero collection which is linked mutually.
http://mblg.tv/xxliberalismxx/entry/827/ Association thank you*, a liberal translation A associação agradece ao you*
- 2621st time
http://ameblo.jp/tomopolice99/entry-10521062071.html Association, very Associação, muito
- 婚活とクリスマス
http://ameblo.jp/swans/entry-10419869962.html It depends on also the depth of association, but, a liberal translation Depende igualmente da profundidade da associação, mas
grass eating men, Reportage,