- Once upon a time I….
http://pinga.cocolog-nifty.com/diary/2010/02/post-df9b.html ” With you answered, (; ´д `a ``` ”与您回答了, (; ´д ````
- Sunday going/participating view day
http://pinga.cocolog-nifty.com/diary/2011/06/post-2126.html ” With you said, the “herbivorous type boy” (; ; ; But the ´д `) HKRPT change it compared only the lion while being, the [tsu] [te] where the small animal has been mistaken had the impression which is said, Σ (¯ [ro] ¯lll) ”与您说, “食草类型男孩” (; ; ; 但是´д `) HKRPT变动它比较了仅狮子,当是, [tsu]时[te]小动物错了有说的地方的印象, Σ (¯ [ro] ¯lll)
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/maro2180/entry-10473526745.html , a liberal translation Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- Wed, Dec 16
http://pzmgwir1vo.seesaa.net/article/135833022.html “History the woman” hearing, those where the Yoshida healthy person flashes immediately are caster red river 珠 cord of “super morning” (Asahi National Broadcasting Co.), (laughing) “历史听见的妇女”,那些吉田健康人立刻闪动“超级早晨”的地方(Asahi全国广播Co.)是铸工红河珠绳子, (笑)
grass eating men, Reportage,