- It does not protrude, it does not relate* Herbivorous system?, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/naturalandheart/entry-10943311770.html As one of the meaning the word, “herbivorous type boy” being popular,, a liberal translation Como uno del significado la palabra, “tipo herbívoro muchacho” que es popular,
- The being regretful which has the fact that we would like to do too much is important
http://m-d2bf368a5ab3ec00-m.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-5dce.html There is a word, “herbivorous type boy”, but definition is good the [wa] can well Hay una palabra, “tipo herbívoro muchacho”, pero la definición es buen [wa] puede bien
- oniku
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gekidan_binkan/archives/1921534.html The person who is called the “herbivorous type boy” is La persona que se llama el “tipo herbívoro muchacho” es
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/kirakira240kako/entry-10666401360.html “The herbivore it makes chummy”, the [tsu] [te] you say the fact that, with another theme another axis! The [tsu] [te]…… it is which axis? Furthermore hardness you, there is no human and becomes [te] “animal” and the [ru] does ¡“El herbívoro que hace íntimo”, [tsu] [te] usted dice el hecho que, con otro tema otro eje! ¿[Tsu] [te] ...... es qué eje? Además dureza usted, allí no es ninguÌn ser humano y hace [te] “animal” y [ru] hace
grass eating men, Reportage,