- Beginning [aisubotsukusukutsuki, a liberal translation
http://shigechan-sakuchan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-2f4f.html “Herbivorous type boy?” “食草类型男孩?”
- Japanese Letter
http://masayo-isa.cocolog-nifty.com/masayoblog/2010/03/post-11d4.html The one [zu] [ke] and others [re] [ru] citizen, shortage of motivation of the especially man although there is a cause even in politics, has been let flow lightly in the word, “herbivorous boy” 那个[zu] [ke]和其他[关于] [ru]公民,特别是人的刺激短缺,虽然有起因甚而在政治,是轻地让流程在词, “食草男孩”
- As for the “herbivorous type boy”, it isn't to be the word which symbolizes the end of society?
http://freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.blog47.fc2.com/blog-entry-91.html When the “free tar” being “neat”, so was, but in Japan “that [tsu] [po] which displays the group which understanding it is not possible to be, it can accept word” widely, a liberal translation 当”是““自由的沥青整洁的”,如此,但是在的日本“[tsu] [po]显示小组了解它不是可能是,它可能广泛接受词”
- original letters
http://gonnakayan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/091224-561c.html As for the “herbivorous boy capture compilation”, in order in romantic love for the passive herbivorous boy to be able to associate with the natural posture, a little just there is an amorousness, proposing “older sister type style” 关于“食草男孩捕获编辑”,按顺序在浪漫爱的对被动食草男孩能联合自然姿势,少许那里是色情,提出“更旧的姐妹类型样式”
grass eating men, Reportage,