- Love Me Until My Being Green, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/keikokaty/entry-10435612241.html Therefore lollypopper instantly, “the [te], the [tsu] [chi] [ma] probably will be boiled in the plant boy then not to be the herbivorous boy”, that you said, a liberal translation 所以lollypopper立即, “[te], [tsu] [凯爱] [ma]在植物男孩大概将煮沸然后不是食草男孩”,那您说
- Because there is I…
http://leela.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2010/08/post-3bdb.html Therefore “by his slept, the night therefore in addition to dream the useless person who is seen still the thing shelf ahead - with had sighed understanding” 因此所以“由他的睡觉了,夜除梦想之外向前仍然被看见事架子的无用的人-有有的叹气的了解的”
- Developmental shape from encounter of just a little adult, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mahojin2007/e/474bef97695388d548ed68c08f6bbab0 Therefore “it is troublesome”, how you say, don't you think? it is probably will be 所以“它怎么麻烦的”,您是否是说,您不认为? 它是大概将是
- ★女子会★
http://ameblo.jp/nakamura-mai/entry-10448749824.html Therefore “I being defeated, and others there is no [re]!”The [tsu] [te], now it can make important 所以“我被击败和其他那里是没有[关于]! ” [tsu] [te],它可能现在使重要
grass eating men, Reportage,