- Heart secretly
http://ameblo.jp/saki2221bird/entry-10765756909.html When it is such a son, the [zu] ~ [tsu] loving, so even with the ~ the” [bo] [u]” the son of the lord, a liberal translation Quand c'est un tel fils, [le ~ de zu] [tsu] aimant, tellement même avec le ~ » [la BO] [u] » le fils du seigneur
- 0 boy, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kem-dp/e/5105cf840fe2f09eadbe188c2c198dcd So, we is the flask boy, (laughing), a liberal translation Ainsi, nous est le garçon de flacon, (riant)
- Therefore Christmas
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nobukoma/e/334654250fb52372089c9a28d847dfae So the human [tsu] [te] which is felt very it is not Ainsi l'humain [tsu] [te] qui est jugé que très il n'est pas
- �� fuku �� parareruwa^rudo niirumou hitori no ore ga kai ta nikki
http://blog.livedoor.jp/moneylight/archives/51841298.html So, in such feeling, a liberal translation Ainsi, dans un tel sentiment
grass eating men, Reportage,