- Here Shibata house, a liberal translation
http://backstab.blog103.fc2.com/blog-entry-1245.html While well after that the Shibata house is it is commenting you being said, however you rewound the next meeting notice of [gokaijiya] and the [tsu] [te] which is sown seeing, you increased, don't you think?!!! Well, if it is said, although if you should not have seen, don't you think?!! So as for that next notice… as for that next notice well well well well well well well the [a]!!!! [jiyasumin]!!! This time of today when it recovers sometimes and impairs and is gotten angry ¡Mientras que bien después está comentando eso que la casa de Shibata es él usted que es dicho, no obstante usted rebobinó el aviso siguiente de la reunión [del gokaijiya] y [tsu] [el te] que es el considerar sembrado, usted aumentó, usted no piensa?!!! ¡Bien, si se dice, aunque si usted ve, usted no piense?!! ¡Para para ese aviso siguiente… como para ese pozo siguiente del pozo del pozo del pozo del pozo del pozo del pozo del aviso [a]!!!! ¡[jiyasumin]!!! Esta época del hoy en que se recupera a veces y deteriora y se consigue enojado
- [gokaijiya] two story (with jet man)
http://okakamiko.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/post-d47f.html The [tsu] [te] being funny newly, we like the action of [gokaijiya, a liberal translation [Tsu] [te] el ser divertidos nuevamente, tenemos gusto de la acción de [gokaijiya
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://syakuremoai.air-nifty.com/kominet/2011/02/post-6e93.html 5 people of [gokaijiya] Calais in the store some air which goes to eating sun Balkan center, a liberal translation 5 población [gokaijiya] de Calais en el almacén un poco de aire que va a comer el centro de Balcan del sol
Shinkenger, Entertainment,