- From picture book, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aotake915/e/d0de06bcee78b4728b90b468dfe292b9 Finally, from midst of the ranger who is number “we want the key of [shinkenjiya]”, that, it starts saying,, a liberal translation Finalmente, del medio del guardabosques que es número “queremos la llave de [shinkenjiya]”, eso, comenzamos a decir,
- [yaba] it is,
http://ameblo.jp/3mamababy/entry-10647362338.html Finally, the [bare] [chi] the seeing [i] which it waited squadron system lover today looking at thing alone in the father, the telephone what has done from the cod father, it is [shinkenjiya] you see and the [tsu] [chi] it waited, so!!! My hammer [tsu] [te] it increases in [shinkenjiya], it broadcasts from the time, even now [shinkenjiya] borrowing the superior feather 哉 to excuse, the last time which either w which it increases does not come and is you did you see as the father in message and the encounter of the [i] is to know saying, whether and the [a] - the hole it is, it met, but if it is you speak, to be long?? It does not become, or the [a] writes soon ¡Finalmente, [ji] el ver [pelado] [i] cuál esperó al amante del sistema de la escuadrilla que miraba hoy cosa solamente en el padre, el teléfono qué ha hecho del padre del bacalao, es [shinkenjiya] usted ve y [tsu] [ji] esperó, tan!!! ¿Mi martillo que [tsu] [te] aumenta de [shinkenjiya], él incluso ahora difunde a partir del tiempo, [shinkenjiya] pidiendo prestado el 哉 superior a la excusa, la vez última de la pluma que no viene cualquier w que aumenta y es usted usted vio pues el padre en mensaje y el encuentro del [i] debe saber decir, si y [a] - el agujero, él se resuelve, pero si es usted habla, para ser largo?? No se convierte, o [a] escribe pronto
- Japanese talking
http://micky-x.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-a77b.html In other words special 撮 “[shinkenjiya]” of yesterday Es decir 撮 especial “[shinkenjiya]” de ayer
Shinkenger, Entertainment,