- , a liberal translation
http://nisssinngeppo2.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/1650/ Although ranger key set of [shinkenjiya] it was dispatched \ (^o^)/[mobairetsu] it does not have, (laughing) playing if it is not, www [0 times Bien que garde forestier clef ensemble de [shinkenjiya] il ait été expédié \) (de ^o^/[mobairetsu] il n'a pas, (riant) jouant s'il n'est pas, WWW [périodes 0
- [gokaijiya] two story (with jet man)
http://okakamiko.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/post-d47f.html [gokaijiya] second story you saw at last [gokaijiya] deuxième histoire que vous avez vue enfin
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://syakuremoai.air-nifty.com/kominet/2011/02/post-6e93.html 35th squadron [gokaijiya] which is the [sugoi] pleasure in some air trente-cinquième escadron [gokaijiya] qui est [le plaisir de sugoi] en de l'air
- go^kaija^ ���� hanashi kansou
http://okakamiko.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-6af4.html [gokaijiya], this time the [shinkenjiya] time which has been enjoyed more and more [gokaijiya], cette fois [le temps de shinkenjiya] qui a été apprécié de plus en plus
- Japanese talking
http://wakataro.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/243/ The movie of mask rider w& heaven equipment squadron [goseijiya] was seen Le film de l'escadron d'équipement de ciel de w& de cavalier de masque [goseijiya] a été vu
Shinkenger, Entertainment,