- After all, “the final” it can grow, ♪>DVD [shinkenjiyatsua] DVD, a liberal translation
http://m78fan.cocolog-nifty.com/station/2010/07/dvddvd-7d22.html To that after, [chiaki] you À cela après, [chiaki] vous
http://kibousekai.blog98.fc2.com/blog-entry-1617.html Nevertheless, whether [buredoran] just a little pity,…Well, the just a little laughing [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is to do, Néanmoins, si [buredoran] juste une peu de pitié,… bien, juste riant [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] il est faire,
- �ǣ� nanoda ��
http://chanpun.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-86a3.html Nevertheless, although [gokaipinku] does the thing 販, you are surprised and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] are… furthermore as many as 2 times Néanmoins, bien que [gokaipinku] fasse le 販 de chose, vous êtes étonné et [chi] [ya] [tsu] soyez… en outre autant d'en tant que 2 fois
http://yuya2001.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/post-5fbf.html Nevertheless this week completely Néanmoins cette semaine complètement
- Heaven equipment squadron [goseijiya] VS [shinkenjiyaepitsuku] ON silver screen: Thought “the heart which is not abandoned”
http://animac.moe-nifty.com/animac_blog/2011/01/vs-on-acee.html Nevertheless this time [buredoran] of the rust boss Néanmoins cette fois [buredoran] du patron de rouille
Shinkenger, Entertainment,