- Gift, a liberal translation
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- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tsukimuracircus/archives/51728367.html Well when it comes to here, as for natural shape, the combining which probably will be - Hervorquellen Sie, wenn es herkommt, was natürliche Form anbetrifft, die Kombination, die vermutlich ist -
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/sansage122/5071393.html Well -, it is not good having made Uzi Uzi and [kuyokuyo Brunnen -, ist es nicht Uzi Uzi bildend gutes und [kuyokuyo
- February 13 sunrise coming thing.
http://funas.cocolog-nifty.com/funas/2011/02/post-f413.html Well, because it is the weight meter where the weight meter of the home considerably is close to standard this (almost) is with the formal weight [tsu] lever, a liberal translation Gut weil es das Gewichtmeßinstrument ist, in dem das Gewichtmeßinstrument des Hauses beträchtlich zum Standard nah ist, ist dieses (fast) mit dem formalen Hebel des Gewichts [tsu
- 1月31日の出来事。
http://funas.cocolog-nifty.com/funas/2010/02/post-b9d6.html Well, it was good Sunday Gut war es guter Sonntag
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